DIY Finding Dory Tissue Box Cover Coloring Activity


This DIY Finding Dory Tissue Box Cover Coloring Activity will keep your kiddo occupied over school break or anytime!

Diy Finding Dory Tissue Box Cover Coloring Activity

Curved Arrow
Scribbled Underline

#1 – Print your favorite picture of Dory or another character from Finding Dory. Place a blank sheet over it, tape both pieces to a well-lit window and using a pencil trace the image.

#2 – Color in the 3 copies or the 3 printed Dory printable that I made. (Don’t forget to size it correctly to fit the paper you have!)

#3 – Stack the papers together, facing up, using scissors, cut a wave (or other pattern) along the top edge.

#4 – Using a stapler, staple the papers so that the dory pictures are facing out. You can make the tissue box cover more loose or tight depending on how far from the edge of the paper you staple it.

For more awesome DIY Projects, visit Life’s Little Sweets

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