Dragon Fruit Steamed Milk

Dragon Fruit Steamed Milk has frothy, hot, steamed milk and dragon fruit powder, mixed together using a milk frother. The dragon fruit powder has a naturally bright, pink color and it’s a healthy, nutritional addition to the milk.

– 1 teaspoon Dragon Fruit powder, with more for sprinkling on top (optional) – optional: wildflower honey or your favorite sweetener, amount to taste


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How to make Dragon Fruit Steamed Milk?

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Pour the milk into a heat-safe 2 or 4-cup wet measure, microwave for 30-second intervals until hot, stirring in between.

Add the 1-2 teaspoons (we use 1 teaspoon) dragon fruit powder and using a frothing wand, froth the milk until mixed and foamy.

In a small saucepan, add the milk, add the dragon fruit powder and it brings to a low simmer, remove from heat and pour into a heat-safe mug. Sprinkle the dragon fruit powder on too for serving.

For more fun and delicious recipes, visit Life’s Little Sweets

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