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Yellow Star

Cinnamon Applesauce Ornaments


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Yellow Star

These Cinnamon Applesauce ornaments are made from plain applesauce and ground cinnamon. It’s an easy holiday craft that is fun to do with children. They can be air-dried or dried in the oven.

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– 1 cup plain applesauce – 1 cup ground cinnamon, plus more, if needed

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Step 1

Preheat oven to 200°F (94°C), line a rimmed baking sheet (or 2 if you want to bake all of them at once) with parchment paper or a silicone baking mat.

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Step 2

In a medium-large mixing bowl, add the plain applesauce and then the ground cinnamon and mix until completely combined.

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Step 3

On a surface (like a pastry mat), add some ground cinnamon so the dough doesn't stick to the pastry mat. Roll out the dough. If it's sticky add more ground cinnamon.

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Yellow Star

Give Cinnamon Applesauce Ornaments a try!

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Yellow Star

For more delicious recipes, visit Life’s Little Sweets

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Yellow Star
Yellow Heart

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