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I’m sharing a tutorial on How To Clean a Stainless Steel Farmhouse Sink, I break down the steps with some help from Scott® Paper Towels!

How To Clean a Stainless Steel Farmhouse Sink?

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If you have a grate at the bottom of your sink, remove the grate, picking any food or debris from the grate using a paper towel or your hands.

Using paper towels or a sponge, wipe out any food along the bottom, sides and corners of the sink. Throw in the trash.

I found that Scott® Brand’s absorbent paper towels feature unique ridges that quickly and effectively soak up the mess at the bottom of my sink.

Sprinkle baking soda (or preferred alternative abrasive) on bottom of sink. It doesn’t have to be an exact amount of baking soda and vinegar; I used 1/2 cup baking soda for my 36 inch sink.

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