White asparagus, a popular vegetable in European cuisine, is a delicate and delicious vegetable that's worth exploring in the kitchen. In this article, we've covered the history and origin of white asparagus, how to prepare and cook it, popular recipes, its flavor profile, when it's in season, where to find it, and its health and nutrition benefits. Additionally, we've explored what foods and wines pair well with white asparagus, making it an easy addition to any meal. With this comprehensive guide, you'll be ready to confidently incorporate white asparagus into your cooking and impress your guests with your culinary skills.
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Sara says
If you make this recipe, please rate and comment on how it came out! Thank you in advance! Best, ~Sara xo
Gregg says
For my tastes this recipe has way too much sugar in it, especially if one is going to sprinkle it on top of ice cream or whipped cream, which already has plenty of sugar in it.
After trying this recipe I decided to go in the opposite direction, sugar-wise, but started with smaller portions overall just to keep the test batch small in case I didn't like it:
2 tsp cocoa powder
1 1/3 tsp sugar
1/3 tsp cinnamon
I sprinkled the above (not all of it, just a few dashes) on a scoop of unflavored whey protein powder in 8 oz 1% milk and shook it all up really good in my blender bottle.
I liked it enough to leave it be (I am sure not many people would find this sweet enough), but I feel I would enjoy a little more cinnamon - maybe between 1/2 tsp - 2/3 tsp - and also perhaps raising the amount of sugar to 1 1/2 - 2 tsp. At the very most I would not exceed a 1:1 ratio of sugar to the other two ingredients combined. That's just my preference and opinion though.
Sara says
Hi Gregg, I am glad you customized it to your tastes, I always tell people to do that, thank you for coming back, rating and commenting!
Cyndi says
Good on oatmeal too for a change of pace.
Sara Maniez says
That is a great idea! I love it!
Linda says
I am trying to duplicate Trader Joe’s cocoa cinnamon sugar recipe in which they add nutmeg and sea salt. Any idea how much I should add to your recipe?
Sara Maniez says
I haven't yet tried Trader Joe's cocoa-cinnamon sugar recipe, I would have to try it to be sure. Let me know if you try it and how it works out! Thank you for your question.