White asparagus, a popular vegetable in European cuisine, is a delicate and delicious vegetable that's worth exploring in the kitchen. In this article, we've covered the history and origin of white asparagus, how to prepare and cook it, popular recipes, its flavor profile, when it's in season, where to find it, and its health and nutrition benefits. Additionally, we've explored what foods and wines pair well with white asparagus, making it an easy addition to any meal. With this comprehensive guide, you'll be ready to confidently incorporate white asparagus into your cooking and impress your guests with your culinary skills.
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Sarah says
This sounds wonderful! I can think of so many delicious treats that it would pair great with!
Sara says
Hey Sarah, yeah, I just wanted to provide some basics for readers...I have some recipes that this is meant to go with that I will be sharing soon!
Jess @ Sweetest Menu says
Coconut milk in icing - now that is a neat idea! Just love your gorgeous photos on that pink background - wow!
Sara says
Hi Jess, thank you so much for your sweet comment, thank you for stopping by my blog!
Lauren @ Create Bake Make says
I think I could eat this all on it's own!!
Sara says
Hi Lauren, yeah, I was definitely "sampling" when I made this! Nice little sugar rush!
Camilla says
Great idea I love the sound of this icing and can imagine it on biscuits and cakes galore:-) Great shots too:-)
Sara says
Hi Camilla, thanks, I am glad you like the photos 🙂 It was fun practicing trying to get an "action" shot for this icing shoot. Thank you for visiting!
Tara | Deliciously Declassified says
Love the photos, Sara! The icing sounds great, too - so many possibilities! 🙂
Sara says
Hi Tara, thank you, I am inspired by Pop Art and wanted to bring a little of that into my food photography as well as try something fresh & new, I definitely want to experiment more!
Choclette says
Ooh, adding coconut milk to icing is such a good idea. I love coconut, so I'm thinking maybe some coconut flour would be a good addition too. I might just try it and find out.
Sara says
Thank you! If you try it, let me know how it goes!
Derek says
Sara, this is pretty cool! I'm always looking to up my sweet recipes (since I don't have any) and this looks like a perfect start. Thanks for this!
Sara says
Hi Derek! Thank you very much 🙂 I love your recipes & website btw, those "Spanked Crab Rolls" look awesome! Your sense of humor comes through in your writing. Thank you for visiting!
Mira says
This sounds like a great idea! Will definitely try it! Love the addition of coconut milk!
Sara says
Hi Mira, please let me know if you do! Thank you!
Lindsay says
This looks delicious! I'm going to make it this weekend! Thanks for the recipe!
Sara says
Hi Lindsay, Let me know how it went! Thank you for visiting:)
Amanda@ChewTown says
A good icing is a treasure to have on hand. I love the idea of this one made with coconut milk and I definitely think I need to try it!!
Sara says
Hi Amanda, I am a lover of coconut milk, it's so versatile, thank you for stopping in! I love your work and recipes on your blog by the way!
Kelly - A Side of Sweet says
I can't imagine being lactose intolerant (the horror!), but this looks like a pretty delicious solution for baking! Love the pink background - it really makes things pop!
Sara says
Hi Kelly, yeah living with a lactose intolerant husband is interesting and I've had to adapt many recipes around it but it's totally doable. Thanks for visiting my blog! I spent time last night on your blog, I love what you do, it's inspiring to me, thank you for visiting!
Jennifer Stewart says
This is a better version of royal icing and something that I want in my life pronto!
Sara says
Hi Jennifer, you know I have never tried making traditional royal icing? I think there's a lot of potential for this recipe...maybe for spreading on cookies or in truffles? Thank you for visiting my page!
Jane says
This would be wonderful drizzled over some muffins or a cake. I'm always looking for new gluten free recipes to try. Thank you!
Sara says
Hi Jane, I agree! Thank you for visiting!
Becky Winkler (A Calculated Whisk) says
So simple!! Love it. Pinning 🙂
Sara says
Hi Becky, yes, I am all for the simplicity, thank you for the pin and for visiting 🙂
Elaina Newton (@TheRisingSpoon) says
Yum! I bet this would be fabulous drizzled over some pumpkin, apple, or berry scones. I love how versatile coconut milk is, and am so thankful to have it as a cooking/baking option in recipes. Especially since dairy milk often spoils faster and it's so easy to whip up homemade nut milk. Pinning for later! 🙂
Sara says
Hi Elaina, yes, I do have a recipe I will be sharing that will feature Vanilla Coconut Icing drizzled over, stay tuned! I agree, I feel like an icing like this lasts longer as well. Thank you!
Neli @ Delicious Meets Healthy says
I was just looking for a dairy-free icing, so glad I found this! Looks delicious & exactly what i wanted.
Sara says
Hi Neli, I am glad this recipe can be useful to you! Thank you for stopping by my blog!
Agata says
it sounds perfect; I hardly ever use icing but I would love to give this one a try
Sara says
Hi Agata, thank you!
Sherri @ Watch Learn Eat says
Hi Sara! I really love the idea for this icing and can't wait to try it now that my husband is gluten and (somewhat) dairy free! Sounds delicious!
Sara says
Hi Sherri, I am so glad that you like it! Thank you for visiting!
Sherri @ Watch Learn Eat says
Hi Sara! I really love the idea for this icing and can't wait to try it now that my husband is gluten and (somewhat) dairy free! Sounds delicious!
Sara says
Hi Sherri, Thank you for visiting and I am glad that you find this recipe helpful 🙂
Regina says
My husband can't really tolerate dairy either. I've never thought about using coconut milk in a glaze icing. I love coconut flavor, so I think this would be perfect.
Sara says
Hi Regina, I hope you do use and enjoy it 🙂 Thank you for stopping by!
Jayact says
Can I use vanilla powder instead of vanilla extract..how much I have to add..
Sara says
Hi Jayact, for this recipe, you need to use vanilla extract. I’m not familiar with vanilla powder. My guess is that you would have to some add more liquid to it. If you try that let me know how it works out here. Thank you, Sara
Lyra says
Does this icing harden like regular royal icing? I want to use it to ice some holiday cookies that I'm giving away as gifts, but I don't want the icing to get everywhere. Thank you!
Sara Maniez says
This recipe doesn't dry hard, at least not the way I've made it. You want my "Royal Icing" recipe which dries hard and is perfect for cookie decorating, it'ss here on the blog, just search in the search box or it might still be on the home page. Good luck!
Mel says
I’m an architectural designer turned work-at-home mom too!! I had 3/7 ARE tests done when the stars aligned & I was able to quit to be w my 1.5 (now 6) year old daughter. No regrets!! Architects are even more overworked & underpaid than moms, ha! Anyway, made this w whole milk for the easypeazymeals simple cinnamon rolls for our New Year’s Day breakfast & it was a hit! Didn’t have a sifter but used a mixer, no problems. Thanks for the major mom win to start out the new year and saving me from the dough boy’s cans and that lady’s freezer varieties my crew always wants- blughk! Never again!!
Sara Maniez says
SO glad to hear of someone who knows what this experience is like! I am so glad that you like the recipe and thanks for coming back to give your experience!
Lynne says
If using coconut milk will the cookies need to be kept refrigerated?